當80年代紅透半邊天的 Madonna (瑪丹娜) 唱出這首她歌唱生涯的代表作 Material Girl (物質女孩), 傳達某些拜金女孩的價值觀.
當時頭腦轉得快的美國芝麻街電視兒童節目(Sesame Street),隨即改編了這首膾炙人口的歌曲,成了兒童版的Cereal Girl (榖片女孩), 間接鼓勵小朋友吃健康的榖片.整個影片編製得生動有趣,看了不禁令人莞爾.也讓人不由得讚嘆製作群的聰明才智!
瑪丹娜Material Girl 詞曲
聽過瑪丹娜的 Material Girl 再來聽看看芝麻街的 Cereal Girl , 有點大悶鍋的模仿趣味~詞曲如下 :
Was a time when I did not eat cereal oh no
(background singer monsters--- Oh No! )
I had never tasted it
Had never tried it sooo
Then one day my Dad said have some cereal with me
( with me! )
Cereal tastes really good and it's healthfull you'll see
I said I'll taste it, I'll give it a whirl
And now I am a cereal girl
I said I'll taste it, I'll give it a whirl
And now I am a cereal girl
First I tried cold cereal
with milk and it was hip
( So Hip! )
Then I tried hot cereal
and that was such a trip
Then I tried some cereal with fruit
Healthfully sweet
(Healthfully Sweet! )
Now for breakfast cereal's my favorite thing to eat
I'm glad I said I'll taste it, I'll give a whirl
'Cause now I am a cereal girl
I'm glad I said I'll taste it, I'll give a whirl
'Cause now I am a cereal girl
(Girl, Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
(Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
(Girl, Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
(Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
repeat and fade.....
歌詞中 give it a whirl =give it a try =to try something to see if you like it or can do it 也就是"試一試"的意思. 用give it a whirl 不僅僅基於押韻的緣故,也巧妙的結合榖片必須攪拌來吃的情境. 而 hip 就是時尚的意思, 跟下句的trip押韻,Material Girl 這首歌在當時頗有時尚、前衛的fu,將之改編成歌詞正面、健康,令人朗朗上口的歌,同時讓孩子在早餐吃榖片的同時也可以感覺自己很酷很炫,冷吃熱吃各有不同體驗,像是經歷不同的旅行一樣.
你是不是也跟我一樣很喜歡這首改編的兒歌呢? So Cute...